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What's happening in PMV Groupe? Be aware of our company , airworthiness and aerospace!

Meet PMV Engineering at the ATR Conference 2024
As a DOA partner of ATR, PMV Engineering (EASA DOA 21J.487) takes part at the ATR Conference event, these 3 and 4 December, in Toulouse. Eric Sperazza, CEO of PMV Engineering, and Johann Ventadour, Head of Systems Department, welcome you at booth no. #3.

PMV Engineering obtains EASA STC Extension for CMA-9000 FMS upgrade on A300-600
While the legacy FMS no longer meet airlines' operational requirements (reduced navigation database capacity), the Airbus A300-600 wide-body aircraft are also facing problems of obsolescence and spare parts supply for FMS components. This is becoming a strategic issue, as it is not viable to fly these aircraft for at least the next ten years.

New STC for PMV Engineering: ADS-B Out on Airbus A330-200/-300 series aircraft
PMV Engineering, as EASA DOA 21J.487 approved organisation, is pleased to announce the issuance of their last STC (EASA No. 10083762) for the approval of ADS-B (Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast) “Out” function on Airbus A330-200/-300 series aircraft.

A dual EASA/FAA approved solution for using iPad Pro/Air as EFB device on your B737 NG or MAX!
PMV Engineering (EASA.21J.487) is the holder of the EASA STC No. 10073526 for the approval of the installation of two (2) cfMount™ with Tablet Cradle from ASG (Avionics Support Group, Inc.) on the cockpit sliding windows (both sides, Captain and F/O) of B737 NG & MAX.

PMV Engineering moves to Additive Manufacturing!
By the end of 2022, PMV Engineering (DOA ref. EASA.21J.487) has been formally recognized by EASA as relevant to design and integrate on aircraft some components made by Additive Manufacturing (AM), in accordance with requirements of the Certification Memorandum CM-S-008 Issue 03.

ATR72 Bulk Freighter Conversion – Validation under FAA STC ST11175IB
PMV Engineering has just completed the FAA validation of EASA STC 10043128 - owned by IPR Conversions (Switzerland) Ltd - related to ATR72 Bulk Freighter Conversion. This STC equips the aircraft with a full class E cargo compartment, including smoke detection system, cargo liners, 9G intermediate nets as well as an improved floor load capacity.

ATR72-202 MSN 353 conversion from P2F at Springer Aerospace MRO
37 working days – this is the overall duration of ATR72-202 MSN 353 (a Summit Air aircraft) conversion from passenger to freighter at Springer Aerospace MRO (Canada), all inclusive (from aircraft arrival to aircraft modification approval).

ATR42/72 Passengers to cargo conversion (P2F)
In addition of the previous LCD conversions, PMV Engineering is pleased to welcome ATR72-212A ‘500version’ MSN 786 among the ATR fleet currently operating cargo over the world.
This Bulk Freighter Conversion (BFC) will be operated by North Star Air, which historically operates cargo in the Canadian North.

New STC for the installation of EFB tablet mounting device inside cockpit of Boeing 737 NG and MAX
The STC N°10073526 was issued by the EASA to PMV Engineering on 18 June 2020 for the approval of the installation of two tablet cradles and arm mounts on cockpit of last generation of B737 (including MAX) for holding computer tablet (e.g. iPad mini) used as “Electronic Flight Bag” (EFB).

Faced with the Covid-19, PMV Engineering helps operators and airlines with customized cabin reconfigurations solutions
PMV Engineering, as EASA approved Design Organisation (DOA 21J.487), is currently helping operators and airlines to establish all needed operations to fight against the pandemic.

PMV Consulting and Services joins standardisation for Artificial Intelligence in Aviation
PMV Consulting and Services joined EUROCAE working group WG-114 and SAE committee G-34 dedicated to “Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautical Systems”. The goal of this joint work is to develop a “Process standard for Qualification of aeronautical systems implementing AI” in support of EASA AI roadmap.

PMV Engineering first approvals for ATR Bulk Freighter with Large Cargo Door cargo conversions
PMV Engineering, as the official EASA/FAA/TCCA STC holder of the ATR42/72 Passengers to cargo (P2F) conversions,recently approved MSN 432 (ATR72-212 from Hawaiian) and MSN 820 (ATR72-212A ‘500 version’ from Cebu Pacific) for release into service after this huge modification.

Registration as a training organisation, now it's PMV Consulting and Services' turn!
After PMV Engineering registration 2 years ago, we are proud to announce you that PMV Consulting & Services is successfully registered as a training organisation since September. Save as DIRECCTE number N° 76820091582.

PMV Engineering just launched ADSB-OUT STC with EASA on Airbus Wide Bodies (A300/A310/A300-600)
Based on its extensive experience in avionic systems, PMV Engineering pursues its upgrowth and is proud to announce you its new EASA STC development for ADSB-out on Airbus Wide Bodies (A300/A310/A300-600).

PMV Engineering just completed its ADSB offer for B737NG Aircraft
Last December, PMV Engineering anticipated the ADS-B mandate by receiving its first EASA STC 10064008 for ADS-B OUT in compliance with the last regulation (CS-ACNS) on A320 family Aircraft.
PMV Engineering just completed its ADSB offer with a second STC 10065222 for B737NG Aircraft.